In the awareness phase of our learnings, we need to clearly understand what we are capable of
achieving and what resources we have available to us. Awareness is the number one step to
making things possible.

So many people are aware of the available things that they can use to make progress, however they
often don’t use them. This poses the problem that you will never get to the next step if you don’t have

You need awareness first before you can think about implementing something.
It can then be said that your awareness of your beliefs is holding you back. What exactly do I mean
by this? How can a belief hold you back?

People are limited by their beliefs and do not go beyond what they believe they can achieve. In other
words, we do not think thoughts that will help us to go above and beyond to achieve our goal. You
need to have an awareness of which beliefs are holding you back because you can’t do anything if
you don’t believe you can make it happen.

The way we are designed, we have a conscious and a sub-conscious mind. Our mind allows us to
think and generate emotions which are feelings. These feelings are what determines which action we
take, or if we are not going to take any action at all and therefore not achieve a result.

Whenever you want a certain result, you need to ask yourself, what kind of thoughts do I need to
engage in to generate the emotion that is going to help me take action which will lead to the result I

Therefore, the question is; “What gets a human being into action?”

It is all about Truth versus Appearance

When a problem occurs, it appears to you to be a problem. But you should always consider what the
real truth is. Is it a problem or does it just look like a problem?

If you look back over your life at how many times you thought something was a problem and it subsequently turned out to be the best thing that could have happened.

This is evident that the truth is always different to what it appears.

This then boils down to what I am saying that it is the Awareness of your beliefs that are holding
you back.

Here is the thing to remember:

The first step is to choose your thoughts. You may ask me, “How can I choose my thoughts, or what
is going to help me choose my thoughts?”.

It is about being open to choose when something appears to be bad, that you can still choose to believe or think that it is a good thing.

By saying “I am connecting to the truth”.

By doing this, you are able to choose when something appears to be bad, you can still choose to
“think” it to be a good thing.

It’s all about the old analogy of the cup which is half empty or half full.
What is the truth about the cup of water? What is the appearance, is it full or is it empty?

The truth is, the cup is half empty and half full.

The point is, if you focus on the half emptiness, you are connecting with limitations when you are connected with the half full cup, you are connecting with the abundance.

There is this story – a man was selling insurance. He decided to travel overseas to sell insurance but
soon discovered that he was struggling to sell anything. He was miserable. He spoke to his familyand told them how miserable he was.

The family decided to cheer him up, so the next day when he phoned, they told him they had won the lottery.

He was so excited that for the next few days, he was jovial and happy and started selling insurance
policies like crazy. When he came home he asked for the lottery ticket to go claim the money they
won, his family then told him it wasn’t true, they just wanted to cheer him up.

What is the lesson we are getting from this story?

The insurance salesman was so focused on the half empty glass, which didn’t work for him, so he wasn’t able to sell insurance. When the family had him believing he was a millionaire, everything changed because he was connected to abundance.

For you to learn to change the way you think, test yourself to see if your habitual thinking is serving
you or not by doing this exercise:

What is your first thought when you are posed with the question – “Is the cup half empty or half full?”
We can programme the way we think and the way we feel by our habitual thinking.

We need to get into the habit of always saying “that’s good”. If something happens to you and it
seems that it is something bad that is happening, your response should always be “that’s good”. This
is how we take charge of our thoughts.

If a prospect says “no” to you, you say “that’s good”. This is going to connect you to the truth rather
than the appearance because the appearance looks bad.

Your belief system is going to be in charge.

If you have the belief that something bad is going to happen, You are only going to find the bad things.
It needs to be in everything we do – it’s in making sales, in marketing, in your life, in dealing with
people, you always want to get into the habit of saying “that’s good”.

Doing this on a daily basis is so important and you will reap the benefits of habitually connecting to
the truth.