Marketing is the #1 skill you need to scale your business.

Having the right Mindset is the first step to getting your marketing right.

I coach entrepreneurs to build a mindset and marketing strategy for success.

About You

You’ve worked really hard to get to where you are in business and in life but you’re feeling stretched thin with the demands of trying to grow a business, lead your family and be a part of the community. 

Wearing most of the hats in your business, you know you need a team to free you up to work on the business (not in it), but that requires making money to hire people first. 

You’re wondering if it’s possible to grow your business, make more money and live with more freedom. 

Dauntless Entreprenuer

Learn to be fearless and determined in the way you approach business and life.

Here are a few ways in which Dauntless Entrepreneur can help

Success Partners

For those working on very specific challenges, receive 1:1 help over 10 sessions to guide you to the next level.

Forge Your Path Accelerator

You are part of a group of inspiration. Join, get motivated, and take charge on your own. It’s your journey, powered by carefully guided support!


We give you a golden key to unlimited one on-one support, daily group learning, and special services like marketing and interviews. It’s your all-in-one ticket to success!

The Dauntless Approach

Business owners come to me when they’re ready to commit to growth: 

You Need a Mindset Shift

Most business owners aren’t aware that they are the biggest blocker to their own success. I will teach you how to break through the biggest psychological blockers you have to reach your full potential.

Allow Yourself to Dream Bigger

In order to scale and reach a broader market, you’ll need to update the way you do business. I can help you tweak the pieces (contracts, the language, the way you take payments, your pricing, your messaging, etc.) to confidently enter broader markets.

Take Action

You’re on a clear path to success with a major shift in your mindset and a clear marketing strategy. You’ve got all the tools: You’ve got clarity on your marketing and the persistence to scale your business

You need a clear marketing strategy.

Most business owners get straight into tactics without having a sound strategy. How can you go anywhere if you don’t know where you’re going? I help business owners map out an effective marketing strategy that fits on one page.

Why Choose Joel

Discover a Life of Purpose and Fulfillment

Proven Track Record

The guidance I give my clients comes from my own experience (it's not theoretical). As an entrepreneur myself, I provide proven, practical advice. My clients experience major gains in their personal development as well as growth in their businesses after committing to my process.

Unconventional & Holistic

My process is holistic and unconventional (drawing on my own experience and many certifications by business experts). Also, who says shifting into your growth phase needs to be boring? It's important to me to make this work enjoyable

Create Balance in Your Life

Most of my clients come to me because they're being pulled in many directions with distractions making it difficult to work. I help my clients create balance in their lives so they can work with more ease and enjoy time with their families.

Family-like Support

My work is in-depth and requires a strong connection to each of my clients. Many clients report feeling like a close friend or family as we work through personal and business challenges. "Joel treats your business like it's his own" was how one client described it.


Client Feedback

“Are you looking for a breakthrough? Joel is a gifted coach that will help you unlock your potential. I believe, if you are willing to do the work, that your next level in life, business, or, relationships is waiting for you. The best thing about Joel is his passion to truly effect change and make a difference in people’s lives. He is incredibly genuine and full of integrity. Sometimes all it takes is just a little help to get the breakthrough you need and want. Joel Goldstein is that help. I 100% endorse him and really encourage you to get started today. You won’t regret it.”​
Kyle Hamar E-commerce/Online Coach, 7-figure Amazon Seller

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